Presentation Session | The Asian Undergraduate Research Symposium (AURS10)

This two-day-long Undergraduate Research Symposium (AURS) gives participants the opportunity to join other engaged undergraduate students from across the globe in an international and interdisciplinary course that aims to enhance their oral communication skills through a series of challenging and exciting online seminars and activities.

We invite conference delegates to join this on-site session. Please give a few moments to provide feedback and encouragement to these undergraduate presenters.

Session Information
Monday, March 27, 2023
15:45-16:45: Conference Poster Session | Orion Hall (5F)

Culture, Popular Culture and Cultural Studies
69646 | Why the Hate: The Recent Rise of Asian American Racism on Social Media
Read the abstract and Poster, provide feedback

Economics and Business Studies
69606 | Culture’s Effect on Brand Loyalty: How and Why Culture Affects Purchase Intent
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69641 | The Significance of Interactive Games in Regional Bazaars
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Language, Literature and Linguistics
69423 | CDA on the Rohingya Crisis: Suu Kyi vs. Yunus
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Language, Literature and Linguistics
69880 | Sentiment Analysis With Emojis for Social Media Using Twitter Data
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Media, Film Studies, Theatre, Communication
69653 | How Social Media Affects Traveling
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Media, Film Studies, Theatre, Communication
69678 | Impossibly Beautiful
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Political Science: Administration, Governance and Finance
67731 | Marriage of Convenience: The Symbiotic Relationship Between the Unification Church and Japan’s LDP
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Political Science: Administration, Governance and Finance
69649 | The Views of British Monarchy Amongst the British Public: Restrictions on the Monarchy
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Architecture, Geography and Urban Studies
69658 | Evaluation of Green City Implementation in the City of Bandung According to Assessment of the Asian Green City Index
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Economics and Business Studies
69673 | Effectiveness of Using Digitalized Notes Application on Students’ Academic Performance
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Ethics, Religion and Philosophy
69879 | Borders: Human and Machines, What Incarnation Theology Means to Us
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Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
67719 | Development of Educational Board Games According to the Concept of Learning Management Through Games to Develop Health Education Learning Achievemen
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Political Science: Administration, Governance and Finance
68962 | Sustainability of Philippine Disaster Governance: The Case of Angeles City Urban Poor During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Sustainability: Ecology, Energy and the Environment
69605 | Bringing Securitization Theory Back In: States’ Action Regarding Environmental Issues
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Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
67946 | The Development of Academic Achievement in Course of Health Education in Thailand
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