Navigating Cultural Boundaries: EFL Teacher Acculturation in Taiwan: Cultural Adaptation Dynamics: Gender and Length of Stay Effects on EFL Educators (79465)

Session Information: Psychology and Education
Session Chair: Amel Eid

Friday, 29 March 2024 13:30
Session: Session 3
Room: Room E (Live Stream)
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

The primary aim of this study was to conduct a comprehensive exploration of the acculturation experienced by English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in Taiwan. Specifically, the research sought to analyze the relationship between the acculturation strategies employed by these teachers and their gender, length of stay in Taiwan, and country of origin. The study involved 22 EFL teachers working in various educational settings such as kindergartens, cram schools, and elementary schools. These teachers participated by completing an online questionnaire. To evaluate the acculturation strategies utilized by the EFL teachers, the mid-point split method was employed, allowing for the categorization of the teachers into four distinct acculturation strategy groups. These strategies were then analyzed in relation to gender, length of stay in Taiwan, and the teachers' country of origin in order to gain insights into their preferences and adaptations within the new cultural context. The preliminary findings from the analysis indicated that among the identified acculturation strategies, "separation" was the most commonly employed approach among EFL teachers in their adjustment to the Taiwanese cultural milieu. This strategy suggests that the teachers tend to maintain their original cultural identity and establish a certain degree of distance from the host culture. Conversely, "marginalization" was identified as the least preferred strategy, indicating a lack of engagement with both the original and host cultures among these educators. However, as the study progresses, it is expected that further details regarding the implications and nuances of these acculturation strategies will be elucidated.

Amel Eid, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

About the Presenter(s)
Dr Amel Eid is a Independent Scholar at NCTU taiwan in Taiwan

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00