Conference Outline

Monday, March 25, 2019

Toshi Center Hotel – Conference Center (5F)

10:00-10:30: Conference Registration & Morning Coffee | Orion Hall Foyer (5F)

10:30-10:45: Announcements & Welcome Address | Orion Hall (5F)

10:45-11:00: Recognition of IAFOR Scholarship Winners | Orion Hall (5F)

11:00-11:45: Keynote Presentation | Orion Hall (5F)
Education and Displaced People: The Case of the Japanese Government Project to Assist Refugees
Yozo Yokota, Center for Human Rights Affairs, Japan

11:45-12:15: Plenary Panel | Orion Hall (5F)
Education and Displaced People
Yozo Yokota, Center for Human Rights Affairs, Japan
Haruko Satoh, Osaka University, Japan (moderator)

12:15-12:30: IAFOR Documentary Photography Award | Orion Hall (5F)

12:30-12:45: Conference Photograph | Orion Hall (5F)

12:45-14:00: Lunch Break | Orion Hall (5F)

14:00-14:45: Keynote Presentation | Orion Hall (5F)
Between Aspiration and Reality: Cultural Conflict in a University Classroom
Haruko Satoh, Osaka University, Japan

14:45-15:45: Featured Panel Presentation | Orion Hall (5F)
Independence and Interdependence: Educational Cooperation Across Borders
Naoki Umemiya, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan
Mark Williams, International Christian University, Japan
Suvendrini Kakuchi, University World News (Tokyo), Japan
Chie Kato, Temple University, Japan
Justin Sanders, Osaka University, Japan (moderator)

15:45-16:00: Break | Orion Hall Foyer (5F)

16:00-17:00: Conference Poster Session | Orion Hall (5F)

17:30-19:00: Conference Welcome Reception | Garb Central
Meet in the Toshi Center Hotel Lobby – 17:15

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Toshi Center Hotel – Conference Center (7F)

09:15-09:45: Coffee, Tea and Pastries

09:45-11:25: Parallel Session I

11:25-11:40: Coffee Break

11:40-12:55: Parallel Session II

12:55-14:00: Lunch Break

14:00-15:40: Parallel Session III

15:40-15:50: Coffee Break

15:50-15:50: Parallel Session IV

19:00-21:00: Official Conference Dinner (optional extra)

19:00-21:00: Official Conference Dinner (optional extra)

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Toshi Center Hotel – Conference Center (7F)

09:00-09:30: Coffee, Tea and Pastries

09:30-11:10: Parallel Session I

11:10-11:30: Coffee Break

11:30-12:45: Parallel Session II

12:45-14:00: Lunch Break

14:00-15:15: Parallel Session III

15:15-15:30: Break

15:30-16:00: Conference Closing Address

The draft version of the Conference Programme will be available online on February 10, 2025. All registered delegates will be notified of this publication by email.

The above schedule may be subject to change.