Getting Old, Staying Young? Studying Older Adults’ Well-Being

Session Information:

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 11:15
Session: Plenary Session
Room: Orion Hall (5F)
Presentation Type:Featured Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

The global population is ageing rapidly, with many countries seeing a marked increase in the percentage of the population reaching over age 60. This important demographic change and trend has implications that deserve much-needed attention from researchers and stakeholders alike. Firstly, ‘old’ is no longer so old and the ageing process and experience are no longer all negative. This means we need to ‘update’ our perceptions and research focus to take account of older adults’ lifestyles today and investigate what it means for them to age well and positively. Secondly, we also need to be receptive to their personal stories and lived experiences, which can count towards measurements and interventions associated with positive ageing. In this session, a research programme exploring the psychological well-being of older adults and what it means to age positively will be presented, along with some considerations for how both ageing and positive ageing may be culturally constructed. As it centres around the conceptualisation of positive ageing, the aim of this talk is to shift research focus onto the social and psychological aspects of ageing (well) rather than the more traditional biomedical models of ageing.

Speaker Biography

Miriam Sang-Ah Park
Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom

Miriam Sang-Ah Park, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom
Dr Miriam Sang-Ah Park is a Principal Lecturer at Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom. She works as both a psychologist and researcher as well as the international lead for the School of Social Sciences. She obtained her PhD in cross-cultural psychology from Brunel University, United Kingdom, and her research has always had a focus on the significance of culture in shaping the daily lives, beliefs, and behaviours of people and groups around the world. More specifically, she has a keen interest in topics relating to psychological well-being and resilience, and she works closely with a group of ageing researchers establishing the concept and experience of positive ageing. She has taught classes on cultural and cross-cultural psychology, positive psychology, and research methods, and has won numerous awards for excellent teaching and scholarship. She has also served as an associate (and invited) editor for reputable journals, including the British Journal of Social Psychology. She is currently editing a special topic, ‘Improving Wellbeing through Positive Interpersonal and Intergroup Relations’, for Frontiers in Psychology. She has a recognised international research profile and has strong and global research collaborative networks.

About the Presenter(s)
Dr Miriam Sang-Ah Park is a Principal Lecturer at Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom.

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