The Impact of Mentoring on Professional Development of Young Working Adults: The MentorsHub Case Study (74100)
Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
The impact of mentoring on professional development is unequivocal and has been long documented in academia (Zheng, Zhao & Yuan, 2020)). First, mentors provide information and skills to mentees regarding future career trajectories, options, and pathways. Second, mentors provide access into their social networks that are not otherwise formally available which further provides the mentee with opportunities for information and skills acquisition and also potential career opportunities. Third, mentors, according to Social Learning Theory (Bandura, 1977), model behaviors for mentees to follow in the workplace setting them up for further success. Hence all of these processes should result in more efficacious career-related outcomes such as compensation and job satisfaction. This study, using the MentorsHub case study (a Singapore non-profit organisation), seeks to confirm the theory of change and accompanying hypotheses by first presenting the relevant literature, before turning to the quantitative data analysis, and further following up with qualitative data analysis from Focus Group Discussions conducted. The impact of mentoring are tested using through Hypothesis 1: MentorsHub has had a positive impact on the personal and professional development of participants and Hypothesis 2: MentorsHub has aligned the professional and life goals of participants to be consistent with their inherent talents and strengths.
Kenneth Tan, Octave Institute, Singapore
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Kenneth Tan is Deputy Executive Director at Octave Institute, IMC Group, as well as Adjunct Faculty at Nanyang Technological University. He also leads the digital transformation and organization redesign efforts at IMC.
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