Navigating New Horizons: Modern Educational Approaches to Enhance Students’ Mental Health, Scientific Working and Soft Skills (75838)

Session Information: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis (Workshop)
Session Chair: Andrea Honal

Wednesday, 27 March 2024 13:05
Session: Session 3
Room: Room 702
Presentation Type: Workshop Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

In an era characterized by digital transformation, global upheavals, and the emergence of groundbreaking technologies, many students face an entirely novel set of challenges. These challenges necessitate an adapted skill-set to thrive in professional domains marked by ambiguity, complexity, and uncertainty. Furthermore, the profound significance of mental well-being looms large as students strive to align with their career trajectories. While the Covid-19 crisis has amplified this discourse, steering universities' focus toward seamlessly integrating soft skills and mental health support into curricula, there persists a degree of hesitancy in translating these intentions into classroom practice. This presentation delves into the profound impact of programs that offer robust mental health support. It delves into how formats dedicated to holistic well-being have positive effects on students' development of soft skills - encompassing critical thinking, problem-solving, collaborative finesse and resilience - attributes heralded as indispensable in the future professional workplace. The presenters will spotlight distinctive educational approaches having been successfully implemented within a German university. They will explain the process of onboarding new students onto a comprehensive mental health program, skillfully interwoven with scientific methodologies and soft skill cultivation. By offering both, an interactive presentation and a discussion segment, in which participants can share the specific problems they face in this context to prepare students for the future workplace, an inspiring idea-set of practical approaches and innovative formats will be derived.

Andrea Honal, DHBW Mannheim, Germany
Volker Rundshagen, University of Stralsund, Germany

About the Presenter(s)
Ms Andrea Honal is a Independent Scholar at DHBW Mannheim in Germany

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00