Exploring the Impact of Digital Literacy on Income: A Sri Lankan Study (76731)

Session Information: Education, Sustainability & Social Development
Session Chair: Biljana Pesalj

Wednesday, 27 March 2024 11:10
Session: Session 2
Room: Room 702
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

Digital technologies are being updated to fit new opportunities and demands as the digital world evolves rapidly. Consequently, those who do not participate in digital activities may find it difficult to communicate with the sophisticated current digital community, resulting in a variety of disparities, including digital and economic inequality. This study examines the impact of digital literacy on the total income of Sri Lankan individuals, considering several demographic factors. The results indicate a significant and positive relationship between digital literacy and the total income of Sri Lankan individuals. The logit model revealed that digitally literate individuals are more likely to belong to the high-income cohort. This association is more prevalent among Sinhala and never-married individuals, permanent employees, and older and more educated individuals in the urban sector. The examination of the combined effect reveals that many demographic factors, including age, gender, residential sector variables, and digital literacy, combinedly exert a significant impact on the total income of individuals in Sri Lanka.
Findings will assist decision-makers, policymakers, and the government in addressing key issues, including affordability and connectivity, in order to narrow the access gap; lack of digital skills among various cohorts in society, including the younger generation, females, and older adults, to mitigate the skills divide; and less knowledge to reap the offline benefits from online activities. Ongoing and prospective initiatives aimed at enhancing digital participation should prioritize the reduction of disparities, including digital and income inequalities, across different social clusters, with the ultimate goal of attaining sustainable development.

Prabath Perera, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Selva Selvanathan, Griffith University, Australia
Saroja Selvanathan, Griffith University, Australia
Maneka Jayasinghe, Griffith University, Australia

About the Presenter(s)
Mr Prabath Perera is a University Doctoral Student at Griffith University in Australia

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00