Empowering Learning: The Role of Metacognition in Competency Development (77667)
Session Chair: Joyce S. Pang
Thursday, 28 March 2024 13:05
Session: Session 3
Room: Room 607
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Since 2017, Aix-Marseille University has been undergoing a pedagogical transformation to a Competency Based Approach, focusing on improving students' self-regulated learning abilities. This approach shifts from conventional evaluation systems to emphasize on the assessment of both students’ performance and the cognitive processes behind it. In our pursuit of enhanced pedagogical practices, we've recognized the importance of anchoring our practice in Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) theories and metacognition. Metacognitive skills empower students to effectively plan, monitor, and regulate their learning activities, leading to the development of the expected competencies in their curriculum. To support this shift, we've developed the "Reflexive Questions (RQ)" pedagogical tool, based on our Metacognitive and Self-Regulated Model of Competency (MSRMC). This innovative tool has been designed to address the complexity of assessing and certifying competency development. In practice, students in the Science program used the RQ tool to reflect on their metacognitive knowledge, experiences, and abilities at different stages of their courses: the beginning, middle, and end (PRE, PER, and POST-performance). QR provides valuable insights into the cognitive processes underpinning competency development, benefiting both students and teachers. When assessing students' competency development levels, teachers consider not only traditional performance assessments but also the students' responses to the RQ tool. This comprehensive approach ensures a robust assessment of competency and supports its ongoing development. Through this action research initiative, the implementation of the RQ tool is expected to significantly contribute to enhancing metacognitive and SRL skills, fostering a deeper understanding and mastery of competency within our educational context.
Margarita Auli Giraldo, Aix-Marseille University, France
Jean-François Herold, Aix-Marseille University, France
About the Presenter(s)
Ms Margarita AULI GIRALDO is a University Doctoral Student at Aix-Marseille University in France
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