Cross-Discipline Investigation of the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy, Learning Agility, the Use of E-resources, and Student Performance (78531)

Session Information: Higher Education
Session Chair: Jen-Chia Chang

Thursday, 28 March 2024 11:10
Session: Session 2
Room: Room 708
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

The aim of this research is to determine the level of self-efficacy, learning agility, and use of e-resources in generation z students and their impact on their performance. It has been said that generation z has remarkably higher self-efficacy, they believe in their talents and regards obstacles as challenges rather than threats, and its hyphotized that self-efficacy improves performance. Speed and flexibility are two important components that form the definition of learning agility as the ability to develop effective behavior and keep up with changing situations. This is an important skill for generation z, especially in finding a suitable learning style so that they can easily absorb any material and apply it in different situations and conditions to their performance. As for the use of e-resources has become one of the most powerful tools in searching other supporting resources that can increase their performance. Random sampling techniques are used at the first-year students and departments were selected conveniently, that are: IT, Psychology, Management and Accounting. This research aims to provide a comparison between the four departments, and whether differences in student characteristics in each department influence their performance. The results of this research can contribute to the student learning approach chosen by teachers and the choice of various tools that can be used to improve student performance.

Meyliana Meyliana, Maranatha Christian University, Indonesia
Hendra Bunyamin, Maranatha Christian University, Indonesia
Lidya Agustina, Maranatha Christian University, Indonesia
Se Tin Se Tin, Maranatha Christian University, Indonesia
Surya Setyawan, Maranatha Christian University, Indonesia
Kartika Imasari Tjiptodjojo, Maranatha Christian University, indonesia

About the Presenter(s)
Ms Meyliana Meyliana is a University Doctoral Student at Maranatha Christian University in Indonesia

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00