Developing Multimodal Data-Driven Art-Inspired Cancer-Screening Promotion Messages (78868)
Session Chair: Terry van Gevelt
Thursday, 28 March 2024 09:40
Session: Session 1
Room: Room 607
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Cancers are some of biggest killers and early screening plays a critical role in timely detection, successful treatment and survival rates. However, the specific role of messages and imagery in optimising their impact, particularly among lower income and ethnically diverse groups remains to be explored. In the current paper, we will present our data on cancer screening promotion by combining elements of Psychology and Visual Arts. We will present different perspectives on cancer screening promotion images, how they are evaluated and how they could be developed with psychological data and visual art to maximise their impact. To this end, we will draw upon semi-structured interviews, surveys and eyetracking experiments, identifying the elements of cancer screening promotion messages that are most and least authoritative, credible, emotive and persuasive. This will also inform the contents our Cancer Screening Attitude Scale (CSAS). Finally, we will combine computer graphics technology with visual art, bringing the most persuasive identified elements to develop novel cancer-screening promotion images created by human artists and AI. Importantly, even though our data are based on British and Indian samples, we will elaborate upon the cancer screening implications for Japan, where the culture is visual arts is deeply ingrained in the Japanese society, pointing our new directions in the fight against cancers.
Marek Palace, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom
Christian Wagner, University College London, United Kingdom
Ioanna Yfantidou, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom
Carlos Santos Barea, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Marek Palace specialises in Applied Psychology. He works at Liverpool John Moores University (United Kingdom) and is a member of Behavior in Crisis Lab at Jagiellonian University (Poland).
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