Ethics of Care for Hybrid University Writing Courses (79003)
Session Chair: Madeleine Mejia
Wednesday, 27 March 2024 16:30
Session: Session 5
Room: Room 702
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Finding the correct style of classroom leadership that would best suit an English writing class for a multiethnic group of students studying for the first time in a Canadian university was a highly contemplated task. The aim was to inspire students to work together and learn both written and oral skills which could challenge the high achievers but not demotivate students with less experience. Teaching first year writing courses through an Ethics of Care lens could improve not only the classroom dynamics, but also the peer tutors who assisted in their studies. The overarching conceptual framework focused on transformative instructional leadership, student-centred learning, and most importantly Nodding’s theory of ethics of care showed it to be the best learning model to aid learners from a variety of backgrounds. Interpretive analysis was employed using data collected from surveys, interviews, and formative feedback to identify common themes in participants' reported experiences. The results revealed positive impacts on overall motivation and understanding of motivational caring, student-centeredness, and lesson connectivity. Positive social change through this writing program will contribute to the development of a Higher Education Institute framework, allowing for more effective teaching and learning that may be used in the new hybrid-focused classrooms.
Robert J. McClung, Yorkville University, Canada
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Robert McClung is a University Professor/Principal Lecturer at Yorkville University in Canada
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