Managing Challenges of Large Scale Foundational Learning Programme and Convergence Through Innovative Application of Value Methodology (79081)
Session Chair: Cristie Ann Jaca
Thursday, 28 March 2024 13:30
Session: Session 3
Room: Room 603
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Strengthening foundational learning is a high priority for Government of India for improving quality of school education. The Andhra Pradesh State launched state-wide Foundational Literacy and Numeracy interventions in 2023. These cover 39,400 schools and 55,000 pre-schools, to benefit 4.3 mn children in 3-8 years age group. However, the state faced challenges for managing large-scale interventions. For identifying underlying causes and formulating solutions, an Action Research was conducted applying Qualitative Methods and Value Methodology. Value Methodology is extensively applied in industry for problem identification and developing cost-effective solutions. FCW, FAST and Feasibility Ranking are integral to this methodology. Considering the scale of the above-mentioned interventions and nature of challenges, Value Methodology was combined with other qualitative methods for conducting the study. The qualitative review of policy and program design indicated lack of implementation framework. Assessment of interventions at schools through secondary data analysis and Function Analysis System Technique (FAST) indicated inadequate contexualisation of interventions, which did not address the regional issues. The Function-Cost Worth (FCW) analysis revealed over-spending on non-priority items, leading to shortage of funds for critical interventions. Appreciative enquiry, interviews, and consultations with stakeholders revealed lack of requisite precision in systems and processes needed for effective implementation. Also, monitoring mechanisms and IT application were not updated. Based on this study, cost-effective solutions were formulated and evaluated with Feasibility Ranking. Inclusive Implementation Framework and integrated Action Plan was developed to guide the government. These have been adopted by the state, and implementation is in progress as recommended.
Sonal Shivagunde, Enval Consultants Pvt Ltd, India
About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Sonal Shivagunde is currently engaged as Foundational Learning Expert with PricewaterhouseCoopers, for World Bank assisted school transformation program in India, & Value Methodology Practioner
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