Examining System Level Policy for School as Learning Organization: A Case Study in Cambodia (77321)

Session Information:

Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

In the midst of uncertain and constantly changing environment, schools today are argued to transform themselves to learning organizations. Kools & Stoll (2016) conceptualized the Integrated Model of School as Learning Organization to offer a framework for schools to prepare the transformation process. Cambodian schools have been through several phases of rigorous reforms. The MoEYS, through Education Strategic Plan 2019-2023 and Cambodia Education 2030 Roadmap, aimed to transform schools into learning organizations. Following these initiatives of MoEYS for SLO, researcher conducted a content analysis of ten extant Cambodian national policies and strategies for education to examine whether the MoEYS’ policies and strategies support school as learning organization. We developed a conceptual framework outlining four dimensions and fourteen subsets as the criteria for data collection. Researcher collected the secondary data through the ten policy and strategy documents of the RGC and the MOEYS. We organized the data under the four dimensions and fourteen subsets on the spreadsheet for analysis. As a result, we found that the MoEYS’ policies and strategies, which are aligned with the Royal Government of Cambodia national strategies, support school as learning organization. However, researcher recommends a coherent leadership policy for school directors, DOE and POE officials. Since leadership has proven to impact on school transformation, we argue for the coherent leadership policy to integrate transformational leadership, instructional leadership, distributed and learning leadership. Another important recommendation is further reform in decentralization and de-concentration to reduce the school governance layers to narrow the gaps between MoEYS and school levels.

Khay Sambonin, American Pacific International School, Cambodia

About the Presenter(s)
Mr. Khay Sambonin is currently a Chief Operations Officer at American Pacific International School. He is passionate about school leadership, management and policy. Currently, he is conducting a research of school as learning organization.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00