Mattering, Anti-mattering, and Fear of Not Mattering on Life Satisfaction of International Students in Canada During COVID-19 Pandemic (78248)

Session Information:

Monday, 25 March 2024 15:00
Session: Poster Session 1
Room: Orion Hall (5F)
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

The COVID-19 pandemic has generated unprecedented negative impacts on both physical and mental health challenges due to the high rates of morbidity, mortality, and sustained social isolation. One of the vulnerable population the international students, in particular, have faced a variety of stressors and challenges when studying abroad in Canada under COVID-19. This quantitative study with a cross-sessional design, conducted in the summer 2022, uniquely examined the effects of mattering, anti-mattering, fear of not mattering, loneliness, perceived stress, social support, and loneliness on the life satisfaction of 186 international students (84 women, 98 men) online in Canada during COVID-19 on a set of online surveys. Correlational analyses revealed significantly positive correlations between anti-mattering, fear of not mattering, perceived stress, loneliness, as well as between mattering, social support and life satisfaction. Additionally, social support or perceive stress were found to partially mediate the effect of both mattering, anti-mattering and fears of not mattering on life satisfaction. Results showed that mattering, anti-mattering and fear of not mattering are the predictors of life satisfaction. The results of mediational analyses suggested that individuals who do not feel matter may be especially vulnerable to stress, lack of social support, and might experience the increased loneliness and may promote a decline in life satisfaction. Given the potential destructiveness of feelings of not mattering, in general but especially during a global pandemic, it is essential to develop interventions and programs that are designed to enhance feelings of mattering and reduce anti-mattering experiences and feelings.

Susan Chang Su, Brandon University, Canada
Gordon Flett, York University, Canada

About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Susan Chang Su is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Science at Brandon University. Her current work involves teaching psychology courses, conducting research, honor thesis supervisions and department services.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00